Sunday, May 23, 2021

Be cautious of Scammer

 In an era of technology advanced and information loaded, there are growing number of scamming cases. Actually it's kinda heartening to look at the numbers and getting to know someone who is just so near to us been scammed. 

I get more news and been receiving emails regarding the front counter staff who actually detected the suspicious transaction when customer came to do transaction over the counter. Kudos to their efforts. Well, for those who can do fund transfer easily through internet banking, am I right to say that they are the generation who can read, thus they know the internet banking function. But it's really sad that the convenient of internet banking leads to the winning game of scammer. Is it the fault of technology?  People starts to blame the security of internet banking. But, well,  most of the case is due to the human traits - GREED. We couldn't deny the SCAMMERs are the culprit, they must be punished, how could them ever take advantage of people for the sake of themselves. How can people like this sleep comfortably? How could this happens? There are definitely uncountable question marks popping in our mind. Well... SO...Um... so what? The fact is we cannot control other people's action, we can only choose how we react. Thus, DO OUR PART. 

IF you were to notice the spamming email of telling us 
" Congratulation, you've won A Million, please contact me at... "
" You're one of the lucky winner ..."
been on going for years, i think at least 10 years. But this tactic is still widely used by scammer in 2021, as it is still effective. People do get cheated by this tricks still. 

With the loaded information, you can generally get any answer needed by simply a click on google. All of these tricks are so well known. Besides, love scam, police scam is a another new trend. Be Cautious

I just get to know my colleague's client is cheated for SGD 300k. She is a HR manager, and honestly who should be blamed in this situation? um... 

What's happening in the society nowadays? and the recent youtuber case as well, she is forgiven so easily. At this young age, she can easily earn back the huge amount of money. I really wonder what would happen next? Can a person especially a gamble awake from the sin cycle by not undergoes any serious lesson or punishment? I wasn't in the stand that hoping anything bad happen to her, but come on, wasn't those incident she did a crime? I couldn't simply comment and wouldn't interested to do so as well, as I just get to know a little bit story from the 40+ mins video. I just watched it as an update of what's happening in the world right now, but well, I truly hope she will change as she is a influencer. And I hope people who follow this news can be more alert by 

1. GREED is big Monster
2. Don't gamble. 
3. Just be extra more alert as you wouldn't know that the person who you trust the most might take advantage on you also.  ( Be selective of your social circle )
4. Don't change your own value. 
5. Don't lie. You need to create more and more lie to cover it.
6. Don't be insane. 
7. Do your part in how to react.
8. Do share to your close family member or friend if you encounter issue. ( an extra ear is needed. and 3rd party can always see a clearer picture on diff type of situation )
9. Don't transfer money to a party that is not government approved. 

Somehow, I felt I am getting more "immune" to things and people around. Not sure it is a matter of aging or selfish or mature or realization or despair ? Somewhat I am thinking this question. It seem that i am more cold blooded, but less emotional. I am seeing thing in the sense of just seeing it, looking at it dont give judgement, don't react, just acknowledge it. Good or bad? hehe... 


Saturday, May 1, 2021


原本三月的时候我们已经预定五月一号要去露营烧烤,但是人算不如天算,前几天突然有新的感染去,新加坡政府二话不说,有效率的加严管制令,露营烧烤活动一律不可以进行至 14/5,这就是他们政府的效率。其实去年,我们的新官上任的首相实行管制令也很果断,直接断了新马长提,让许多越提族错所不及,比新加坡来得更严更凶。但是,种种的故事,促成了今天不一样的局面。 就这样计划泡汤了。。。。 

Covid-19 给予的打击每个人有不一样的感受,这时候的取舍,决定了就好好的走。每个做下来的决定都真的很难,不一样的声音从内从外的。不忘初心,就坚定的走你自己选的路。

本来2020 年尾已经打算回去了,但是最终没有什么机会,没有回去。在这里反反复复,兜兜转转决定来这间新公司。昨天一个朋友突然说槟城有一个适合的职位,我当下看到信息时是有被动摇的,晚上静下来,觉得是这两个星期自己很累了,贸然决定回去更多会是因为逃避最近的累,所以我还是照着计划走吧。这两个星期心跟身都有点被累到了,渐渐的感觉有失眠的情况,年龄可能真的只是一个数目,但是他也是给你借鉴的数目,身体真的必须好好的照顾。

一开始新加坡决定12 月开始打疫苗
我们的观念 - 不要打
新加坡人 - 打啦
当时我其实疑惑,觉得新加坡人应该比我们kiasi 啊,为什么他们那么有信心,过后跟朋友才讨论出来,结论是因为这里的人很相信政府,既然政府approve, 总理先打,那么绝对没问题。(换做我们竟然有照片说首相打的时候那个针不一样颜色,哈哈.

在这里其实也觉得pfizer,moderna 比较可靠。 
但是在这里, 多数都觉得西方的最好

这些其实是生活慢下来才真正体会到的, 以前可能就只是知道会有分歧,还无法深深体会。

所以呀,每个人都是个体,就算同一个环境一起长大的家人朋友也是会有不一样的想法, 在做各种决定的时候随心吧。很多时候我们做决定是考量许多外在,但是既然无法取悦所有的人,还是随心吧。不要以为的向外,你的心呢?照顾好他什么都会好起来的。 

When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it
<The alchemist> - Paulo Coelho